A selection of booklets written by branch members, viewable as e-books by clicking on the book cover   For the full list click here

Cynwyd Bk 2

Cynwyd Bk 3

Llanddulas and Rhyd-y-Foel The story of Eighteen Schools

The Old Houses of Llanddulas and Rhyd-y-Foel

        For more information and details of these publications please contact Gill Jones Email: enquiries@discoveringoldwelshhouses.co.uk

The Anne Lloyd Family

Cynwyd Bk 1

Cynwyd Bk 4

Plas Penmynydd Llangefni

Egryn Estate Vol 1

The House History of Tan Y Allt Hall,  Llandulas

The House History of Tyn Y Fordd,  Llandulas

Two Effigies


Queens Head Inn

Sygun Bach/Sygun Ganol

The Old Cottages of Snowdonia


18th and 19th century tourists' comments about Wales

A link to a very comprehensives topic by one of our Patrons


Ty y Ffordd

Pontwgan Mill

Plas Penmynydd Llangefni

Cwm Maethlon

The House History of Pennyfrith, Llannefydd Denbigh

Cynwyd Bk 5

03 July 2024

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